1. Apocalypse Facts for Kids
Aug 9, 2024 · An apocalypse is a revelation: seeing something which has been hidden. It comes from the Greek word, Apokálypsis, which means "lifting of the ...
Learn Apocalypse facts for kids

2. What Is the Apocalypse? 10 Things Christians Should Know
A third of the earth is burned up, a third of the sea becomes blood, a third of the sea creatures die, and a third of the ships are destroyed. A third of the ...
The Apocalypse? What does that word mean? According to Dictionary.com, it means “revelation, disclosure, uncover, reveal.” I found the title page to my mother’s 1982, Holman Bible Publishers, King James Version, it reads: “THE REVELATION TO JOHN (The Apocalypse)." Or in today’s vernacular, an account the Lord Jesus Christ gave of Himself to the Church and events that will occur at the end of this age.

3. 10 Facts About Life After The Apocalypse - Listverse
Sep 10, 2013 · 10 Facts About Life After The Apocalypse · 1 The Hornsleth Deep Storage Project · 2 LAGEOS-1 Will Tell Us What Year It Is · 3 3-D Printed Food ...
The end is nigh, or so that crazy-looking guy in the sandwich board keeps saying. Luckily then, we’ve got some time to prepare for what life is going to

4. Four horsemen of the apocalypse | Definition, Symbols, & Facts
Nov 18, 2024 · The first horseman, a conqueror with a bow and crown, rides a white horse, which scholars sometimes interpret to symbolize Christ or the Antichrist.
Four horsemen of the apocalypse, in Christianity, the four horsemen who, according to the book of Revelation (6:1–8), appear with the opening of the seven seals that bring forth the cataclysm of the apocalypse. Learn more about the four horsemen in this article.

5. Post-Apocalyptic Fiction and Fact - Life, Hope & Truth
The Apocalypse of the Bible ends with a most incredible description of the post-apocalyptic future in Revelation 21 and 22. “Now I saw a new heaven and a new ...
Today books, movies and games feed our fascination with what might happen after a global cataclysm. But what does God’s prophetic Apocalypse tell us about the real post-apocalyptic world?

6. Top 5 Facts: The Apocalypse is Near | Articles on WatchMojo.com
#1: If All Else Fails, the Sun Will Kill Us All. It's the single-most important entity in our entire solar system in terms of achieving and maintaining life, ...
Even at the end of the world... We got your back, Mojoholics. Welcome to Top 5 Facts. It probably won't look anything like the movies, and may be provoked by the same life force that started it all, but the Apocalypse is sure to be something else!

7. 17 Facts About Apocalypse Now - Mental Floss
Aug 15, 2019 · 4. Apocalypse Now's opening shot was created from leftover footage that was sitting in the trash. Coppola shot an unprecedented 1.5 million feet ...
Francis Ford Coppola's acclaimed (loose) adaptation of Joseph Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' was supposed to be directed by George Lucas.

8. What Are the Signs of the Apocalypse? - Life, Hope & Truth
In fact, thousands of apocalyptic-themed books and films have now been produced, with subgenres including doomsday fiction, post-apocalyptic fiction ...
Are we living in the age of the apocalypse? What does the Bible say about the signs of the end of the world—this evil age—and the beginning of God’s Kingdom?

9. Book Of Revelation | Apocalypse! FRONTLINE - PBS
The very fact that an apocalypse was a common type of literature meant that if followed certain conventions of style, and people knew more what to expect from ...
Ephesus was both the capital of the Roman province of Asia and one of the earliest centers of Christianity. The book next contains seven short letters of exhortation to the Christian churches in the seven leading cities of Asia Minor -- Ephesus (2.1-7, Smyrna (2.9-11), Pergamon (2.12-17) , Thyatira (2.18-29). Sardis (3.1-6), Philadelphia (3.7-13). and Laodicea (3.14-22). This region would become a key area for the expansion of Christianity into the Roman empire. But it was precisely this intersection that created the problem for the author, as it called for Christians to treat the Roman administration as agent of the devil. But recognizing this comes from understanding how to read this kind of apocalyptic literature.
10. 7 steps to surviving an apocalypse (according to science!)
You can get more information on Dr Lewis Dartnell's book, The Knowledge: How To Rebuild Our World From Scratch, plus loads of cool survival tricks video content ...
Zombie apocalypse survival: Check out these tips from a top scientist on how to keep yourself alive should you find yourself at the end of the world!

11. 12 Facts You May Not Have Known About Apocalypse - ComicsAlliance
Jan 5, 2016 · 12 Facts You May Not Have Known About Apocalypse · You can find the earliest appearances of Apocalypse in this volume, which also shows the ...
This week we're taking a look at the X-universe's very own big blue meanie, En Sabah Nur himself, Apocalypse.

12. The Late Great Planet Earth Made the Apocalypse a Popular Concern
True Christians are transported to heaven (the rapture). Seven years of tribulation—floods, famine, disease, plagues, war—follow, at the end of which Jesus ...
Long before the Left Behind books crowded the New York Times best-seller list, Hal Lindsey and C. C. Carlson’s The Late Great Planet Earth introduced millions of readers worldwide to end-times prophecy. An accessible, engaging introduction to the coming apocalypse, The Late Great Planet Earth was the best-selling nonfiction book of the 1970s: Ten million copies were in circulation by the end of the decade. It sold more than 28 million copies by 1990, an estimated 35 million by 1999, and was translated into more than 50 languages. A 1977 movie version narrated by Orson Welles ran in theaters nationwide and was later broadcast on HBO. Lindsey was “the most widely read interpreter of prophecy in history,” said one critic. Another claimed that only the Bible itself had outsold The Late Great Planet Earth.

13. 10 Facts You Might Not Know About The X-Men's Apocalypse | Geeks
Apocalypse is an ancient, possibly immortal mutant who was born in Egypt. A slave of Rama-Tut, Apocalypse challenged the Pharaoh's rule and claimed alien ...
It's now time to reveal some of #Apocalypse's greatest secrets.

14. Apocalypse Now? | AF Blog | Amazing Facts
Sep 14, 2020 · Saving the environment will be the new morality. No higher calling will people pride themselves in, than stopping climate change. No stronger ...
Record-breaking fires across the Pacific Northwest, especially California, spell disaster for thousands of residents. Does this have anything to do with the end times?

15. 20 Fun Facts about the End of the World: Apocalyptic Curiosities and ...
Jan 5, 2024 · Popular culture has embraced the idea of a zombie apocalypse, where a virus turns humans into zombies, leading to societal collapse. 17. The ...
The Ultimate Countdown The end of the world, a theme that has fascinated and frightened humanity for centuries, encompasses a blend of scientific theories, religious prophecies, and cultural legends. From ancient myths to modern science, the concept of the world’s end is as diverse as it is intrig