Gonzales County Sheriff candidates - The Gonzales Inquirer (2024)

The two candidates for the unexpired term of Gonzales County Sheriff answered candidate questionnaires for the Gonzales Inquirer this week.

Challenger William Miller squares off in the March 1 Republican primary against Incumbent Sheriff Keith Schmidt, appointed in September after the passing of Sheriff Robert Ynclan.

The candidates will be introduced and their responses to our questions will be given in ballot order. The responses have not been edited and are the words of the candidates in their entirety.

Name: William H. Miller

Age: 35

Education: Graduate of Gonzales High School Class of 2005
Attended Texas A&M-Kingsville and Austin Community College
Graduated from The Victoria College Police Academy
Currently enrolled in Leadership Command College through the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas

Current Occupation: Deputy Sheriff with the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office-Rank of Sergeant

Certifications held: Advanced Peace Officer License with Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Previously elected to any office: N/A

Volunteer work or service in non-elected positions: Vice President Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office Brown Santa Program Since 2017

Name: Keith A. Schmidt

Age: 61

Education: Gonzales High School

Current Occupation: Gonzales County Sheriff, Gonzales County Fire Marshal, President of Schmidt & Sons, Inc.

Certifications held: Emergency Care Attendant, Advanced Fire Inspector, Instructor II, Advanced Fire Investigator, Court Security, Head of Department, Intermediate Peace Officer, Advanced Arson Investigator, National Emergency Management Training certifications.

Previously elected to any office: Gonzales Fire Department-Fire Chief, Texas Commission on Fire Protection-Firefighter Advisory Board, Gonzales County ESD #2-Secretary-Treasurer.

Volunteer work or service in non-elected positions: Volunteer Firefighter for over forty years, Little League Baseball Coach, City of Gonzales Parks & Recreation Board, Gonzales Chamber of Commerce, Director for the Texas Hereford Association, Gonzales County Fire Marshal, Texas Commission on Fire Protection Firefighter Advisory Board, Secretary-Treasurer Gonzales County ESD #2.

1. Tell us about who you are and why you are running for office?

Miller: My family has lived in Gonzales County for several generations. I grew up in Gonzales and attended Gonzales Schools K-12. Growing up, my father was involved in politics serving on multiple boards in the county including the Gonzales City Council. Watching him serve the community over the years sparked my interest in serving the community.

My decision to run for sheriff came about from a desire to get back to Gonzales County to make a change for the future of our great county and communities within. I have always had the goal in mind to run for sheriff and I am finally in a position to accomplish that goal.

Schmidt: I have dedicated over forty years of community service to Gonzales County as a firefighter, leading the Gonzales Fire Department as Fire Chief from January 2009 until December 2021. I am currently serving as the Gonzales County Fire Marshal since 2011 and as a Texas Peace Officer with the Gonzales County Attorney’s Office since 2017. I served as a Deputy with the Gonzales County Sheriff’s Office (non-paid) from 2017 till December 31, 2020 and completed an extensive field training officer program and worked on the streets as a patrol deputy. As president of Schmidt & Sons, Inc. and Fire Chief for the City of Gonzales I have gained vast experience in managing budgets, writing grants, mentoring and managing personnel. We will strive to provide the best quality law enforcement services to our citizens and visitors in the most professional, transparent and ethical manner possible. We will, as an agency create positive community relationships to ensure accountability to strengthen the public’s trust that we will not only protect, but truly serve each citizen equally, honestly, and in good faith. I am seeking your support in running for this office as I truly believe that I have the skills needed to fulfill all of the responsibilities of this job.

2. What are some of the biggest challenges currently facing the Gonzales County Sheriff’s Office?

Miller: The first challenge that I will face is going to be managing the current employees and hiring to fill vacant positions. This will be my top priority so that they are working as efficiently as possible.

My second challenge will be getting those personnel access to additional training other than what is required of them by the state.

Another challenge that I will face as Sheriff is keeping the positive perception of our law enforcement so that negative attitudes seen across our country do not help grow a concerning discontent for our law enforcement locally.

Schmidt: COVID-19, the border crisis, human trafficking, nationwide staffing shortage, mental health, family violence, narcotics, and property crimes.

3. What are your goals for the next four years if elected to office?

Miller: Restructuring personnel for greater efficiency

Infrastructure upgrades such as technology and equipment
More training for personnel focusing on community relations, leadership and use of force Improvements in evidence handling

Schmidt: Continue working closely with all first responders in the county. Continue improving officer and public safety through training and use of less lethal options to include our jail and patrol. Establish programs to help school districts and youth organizations to provide a relationship between law enforcement and our youth.

4. What improvements do you see as necessary for the Gonzales County Jail? How do we pay for them?

Miller: I believe the biggest improvements to take on currently will be ensuring that facility is structurally sound to house inmates. This can be accomplished internally or through an independent auditor. Another improvement will be through policies and procedures. I will organize an immediate review of the current policies and procedures in place and update them for efficiency and safety for the staff and inmates.

Ensuring the building is structurally sound will cost money and that will have to be something that we ensure is budgeted. Building maintenance should be a constant program. The money spent on building maintenance will always be much less than a potential judgment from litigation involving someone being injured or worse from the failure to do said maintenance.

Schmidt: The required repairs to the jail have already been completed by Gonzales County maintenance employees saving the citizenry over $70,000. As the jail is aging, we will continue to maintain and repair it as necessary using county employees whenever possible, and when allowable using commissary funds to pay for these repairs or enhancements.

5. What is the working relationship like for GCSO with other agencies and what can be done to see it improve?

Miller: In talking to many constituents the public perception is that there the Gonzales County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies do not have great working relationships. On the other side of that discussion, it appears that the working relationship among the agencies on the patrol level seems to be good. This is very common in my experience with other law enforcement agencies. An issue always appears to persist among agency administrators. A great solution to this issue is to keep the lines of communication open with those agency administrators and always make sure to present a united front when there is a problem that arises.

Schmidt: Under my administration we have already began working closely with all of the other law enforcement agencies in the county. We are currently training with other county agencies. We have setup computers in the Sheriff’s Office to allow other agencies officers to complete work while at the jail. We participate in a county wide monthly law enforcement leadership luncheon. We are participating in a twenty one county Sheriff’s Alliance. We have met with all first responders in the county to discuss changes and improvements to communications and partnerships. We have been working closely with the Texas Department of Public Safety in responding to and investigating crashes. Again, this is a short list of not what we would do if elected, but a partial list of what we have already actually done.

Gonzales County Sheriff candidates - The Gonzales Inquirer (2024)
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