Brooklyn Daily from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

Botanic Director Gets LIU EJegrab to GREAT NECK LEAGUE HOLDS INSTALLATION The Abraham S. Singer League of Great Neck will hold installation of 1956-'57 officers at the home of Mrs. Allen Nisenson, in Great Neck, Mon. June 11, it was announced today by MK Photo Contest lis Announced The No-Cal Corporation of Brooklyn, N. has announced a photo contest for which both amateur and professional photo-graphers are eligible.

First, second and third prizes of United States Savings Bonds will be awarded for best photo Dr. George Avery since 194 director of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, will receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters at Long Island University's 26th annual commencement exercises Friday, June 8, it was announced by Admiral Rich ard L. Conolly (ret.) L. I. U.

president. Three otners will receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws. They are: Carrol M. Shanks, president of The Prudential Insurance Company of America, who will make the prin cipal address Dr. Hugo H.

Schae- fer, detiring dean of the "university's Brooklyn College of Phar macy, and Henry Viscardi president of Abilities, a West Hempstead firm which employs men and women who, like Mr. Viscardi, have serious physical handicaps. Dr. Avery, a native of Benton PS P3 to 'AO CI CO mJlSk J-UJ: Harbor, Michigan, was educated at Tulane University, DartrrrSuth College, the University of Wiscon sin, and the University of British Columbia. An outstanding "plant physiologist, he taught at several institutions, including Duke University and Columbia University, Before coming to Brooklyn to direct ithe wofld-reknowned Botanic Garden, he was director of the Connecticut Arboretum.

He nzakes his home in this borough. Diplomas will be awarded to 365 graduates of the College of Liberal Arts and Science, the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy, the College of Business Administration and 'thf Gradiiatp The exercises will begin at a.m. in the university-ownedN Brooklyn Paramount Building. DeKalb Avenue and Flatbush Av. Extension.

Presiding will be William Zeck- endorf, president of the L.I.U. board of trustees. 4 Murray Pearlman, outgoing president. The incoming officers are Mrs. Blanche Etra, president; Mrs.

Muriel Matusow, vice president of administration; Mrs. Evelyn Nisenson and Mrs. Carroll Ro-sinsky, vice presidents of fund raising; Mrs. Jean. vice president of public relations Mrs.

Phyllis vice president of membership; Mrs. Hilda Schiff-man, vice president of programing and planning; Mrs. vBlossom Sohaeffer, vice president of publications; Mrs. Phillis Ybhal, treasurer; Mrs. Phyllis Freshman, corresponding secretary; Mrs.

Helen Epstein, social secretary; Mrs. Blanche Friedman, recording secretary and Mrs. Rose Gold, financial secretary. group is affiliated with the Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital of Brooklyn, the largest voluntary, non-sectarian instit u-tion of its 'kind in the country. The hospital recently broke ground for a medical research building which will cost in ex- of $1,500,000 to complete.

Excavation for this new addition is presently under -way. Edward N. Mmtz, executive secretary of the hospital, will be guest speaker at the installation ceremonies. Day School Also Evenings After Business Classes WASHINGTON BUSINESS SCHOOL 1 30 West 42nd St New York City Wisconsin 7-8811 A Leader Sine 1902 A Great Name A Great School graphs submitted which deal with the No-Cal non-fattening beverage bottle, according to Morris Kirsch, president of the firm. The No-Cal bottle can be used either as a direct or, indirect theme of the picture, Mr.

Kirsch said. Deadline for entries, which are to be mailed to Kirsch Beverages, No-Cal Division, 921 Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, N. is September 1, 1956. Blood Donors Needed Hospital superintendent, Arthur Feigenbaum, issued an appeal today to friends of the Jewish Chronic Disease (Hospital, Brooklyn, to contribute blood which is so urgently needed at the hospital. "Many of our patients," Mr.

Feigenbaum declared, "must have transfusions from time to time, and though it is possible for us to borrow we must also have our own supply. The lack of an adequate blood supply can endanger the life of a patient." Volunteers from the hospital's auxiliaries, and friends of the hospital are requested to contact Mr. Feigenbaum. A bloodmobile unit will Visit the hospital on Monday, June 18, from 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M., hours convenient for any volunteer.

"The blood you give can save your own life," Feigenbaum pointed out in his appeal. File No. 5072-54 THE PEOPLE OP THE STATE OF YORK. BY THE GRACE OF FREE AND INDEPENDENT To the Widow Mary if any, the na6 Mary, being fictitious, to the next of kin, if any 5 WILLIAM VNSEN also known as WILLIAM RL HANSEN Deceased whose name or names and whose place or places of residence are unknown and cannot alter due diliffenee be ascertained, and" to any and all unknown persons interested in the estate of WILLIAM HANSEN also known as WILLIAM CARL HAN SEN Deceased, as creditors, next of kin or otherwise. ELSE MARKUSSEN, KNTJD WAL-DKMAR NIELSEN, KARL JOHAN NIELSEN, KAREN N.

PEDERSEN, PAUL NIELSEN, EVA LIND, KAJ-BARFOD ROUNSTED, EYLER WIL-HELM JORGENSEN, CARL OSCAR HANSEN, MARIE EMMELUTH, EL-KNORA ROLIN, SEND GREETING: WHEREAS, HYM AN WANK, Public Administrator. Kings County, with an office in the Municipal Building, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, has presented his account as Administrator of WILLIAM HANSEN also known as WILLIAM CARL HANSEN, deceased, lately residing at No. 509 Senator Street; in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State of New York, and a petition praying that his account be judicially settled; NOW THEREFORE, you and each nf you are hereby cited to show cause before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held in Court Room at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the 26th day of Junel956; at 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon, why such settlement should" not be had. i IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have caused the? Seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto WITNESS Hon. MAXIMIL-Seal) IAN MOSS, Surrogate of our said County, at the Borough of Brooklyn, in the said County, the 11th dav of May, 1956.

ALBERT M. LEAVITT Cta-rlr n-f tVio Siin-nMtft'e fnnrt air conditioner cool is only the half of it! GARI KETCHAM, a U.S. airline pilot, is shown at Vnukovo Air-, port, Moscow, after becoming the first American to fly the Russian jet airliner Tu-104. Ketcham, when he sought a visa, said he was curious about the lives of Russian fliers and the new Red plane. (International) Frozen-on dirt will sand blast the finisli off your car! No Amount of Polishing Can Protect the Finish as Well as a Weekly Car Wash you take pride in 'your car visit HOWDY AUTO CAR WASH Service Station 5822 New Utrecht Av.

Brooklyn, N. Y. Renews Your Car Finish In Its Super 1 -minute Car Washmofcile. Simonizing Polishing SUPREME COURT, KINGS COUNTY, Michael A. -DePino, Pltff.

vs. Alfio Grasso, et al, Herbert M. Eriedman- Pltffs. 26 Court N.Y". Pursuant to judgment dated March 8, 1956, I will sell at public auction by Joseph H.

Rosenblum, Auctioneer, on June 15, 1956 at 12 o'clock noon, at Room 305Q. Municipal Court Jor-alemon N.Y., the following premises, all as shown on the tax map of the City of N.Y., Boro of as the same was on the dates hereinafter Sec. Block Lot Map Date 25 S45S 39 41944 21 7178 15 51943 25 8458 38 41944 ail as more particularly set forth in said judgment. Travers Devlin, Referee. May 22, 1956.

LL921 5-25. 29 6-1. 5. 8. 12 File No.

1035 1956 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF YORK BY THE GRACE OF GOD FREE AND INDEPENDENT TO Mila Moravcik, nee Mila Grzen, also known as Mollie Grzen SEND GREETING WHEREAS, GEORGE GRZEN, who resides at 31 Seba Avenue, Brooklyn 29, New York, has presented a petition praying for a decree that a certain instrument in writing, relating to real and personal proper-ty, be duly proved as the Last Will and TestamenX of GEORGE GRZEN lately residing at No. 31 Seba Avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are hereby cited to show calise before our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held In the Court Room at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the 26th day of June, 1956, at 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon, why such decree should not be made. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, wsMiave caused the Seal of our said? Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. rc, WITNESS.

HON. AXIMIL-(Seal) IAN MOSS, Surrogate of our said Counts', at the Borough of BrooTrlyn. in the said County the 15th day of Mav, 1956. ALBERT M. LEAVITT Clerk of the Surrogate's Court LL900 5-25 6-1, File No.

3100-1953. The People thi State of New York, By the Grlce God, Free and Independence: rra Ketcham Wood, Thomas Wood inland George Wood Ireland, Charfes' Wcod? Jonathan Wood. Whitman Dwyer, Duryea Wer Phebe Rogers. Lydia Rogers, fearahKogr-ersf Jarvis Rogers, Nathaniel Wood Inn Wood, George Wood Israel Wood, John Daniel Wood. Andrew Wood, Elizabeth Layton, Charity Layton, Sarah Layton, Hannah Layton, Jarvls Layton, ms Layton, and Henry Layton, and" any and all unknown persons, whose names or parts of whose names, and whose place or places of residence are unknown, and cannot, after due and diligent inquiry, be ascertained, distributees, heirs at law, and next of kin -of ORA J.

HASLEHURST andor of any of the foregoing, and if any of the said distributees, heirs at law, or next of kin of said Ora J. Haslehurst, and7or of any of the lore-going, be -their legal representatives, their husbands or wives, if any, distributees, and successors in interest, whose names andor places of residence and post office addresses are unknown, SEND GREETING: Whereas, Henpy H. Carse who resides at Hinesburg, Vermont, has presented a petition praying for a decree that a certain instrument in writinff, relating to real and personal property, be duly proved as the Will and Testament of Ora J. Haslehurst, lately residing at No. 219 Gates Avenue, in the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

Now, Therefore, you and each of you are hereby cited' to show cause befor.e our Surrogate's Court of the County of Kings, to be held in the Court Room at the Hall of Records, in the County of Kings, on the 2Xth day of June, 1956, at 9:30 o'clock-in the forenoon, why such decree should not be made. In Testimony Whereof, we have caused the Seal of our said Surrogate's Court to be hereunto affixed. Witness, HONA MAXIMILIAN MOSS, Surrogate of our said County at "the Borough of Brooklyn, in the said County the 10th day of May, 1956, Albert M. Leavitt Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. Seal.

LL927 5-25, 8, II Home air conditioning improves the general health of the family, too! It filters out dust, dirt and pollen reduces suffering from allergies, asthma, and sinus conditions. And a recent survey revealed that families with air conditioning have better appetites, better dispositions, and more tirrie and energy for recreation. (They also spend less time cleaning!) Consider all the advantages of an air conditioner, and youH realize what a bargain it is! See your appliance dealer today. Wit A modern appliances like air conditioners wiring and low-cost Con Edison electricity, you Live Better Electrically. LL907 5-18, 25 C-l, 8 I.

Brooklyn Daily from Brooklyn, New York (2024)
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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.